Friday, 1 April 2011

Production of Front cover, Double Page Spreadsheet and Contents Page

Front Cover
Through research I found generically within student magazines and community magazines that one main striking image is used across the front cover with over lapping texts and other images. This style is very striking and as the image is large, this catches the audience's attention, especially if the model within the image is making direct eye contact to the audience, it creates a sense as if the person on the front cover is looking and talking to the audience. The main image portrays what can be seen within the magazine, therefore the image must have relevance and be eye catching to the audience. Commonly the main image consists of one person to show the simplistic, easy to read nature of the magazine and to create a more interesting, bold impact, however I will be using 4 images of 4 different students within my magazine, as the brief stated the magazine is for both sexes and different socio economic backgrounds, I felt it was suitable to use 4 images of 4 different students of both sexes to portray the magazine is for all student readers, and as the students within the magazine are within the same age of the target audience stated within the brief, they can relate and will be intrigued as they're within the same age category. The layout of using a number of different images but layed out so they are all within the main image, I also found through research within magazines such as; a rock magazine called 'Fireworks' and also a feminine magazine called 'Nylon' which also uses a number of different images but appearing as the main image which I have included within this post. In conclusion, I have begun the production of my front cover for the magazine and added the style of using a number of different images, as the same image, I have also added the masthead which I have designed, also included the features with yellow symbols next to them to highlight them, college logo for the magazine, the bar code which will link to the college magazine. I included an advertisement of discount on a fashion shop, appearing on my front cover as students are interested in fashion and try to keep up to date with  as the brief stated that the secondary audience would be potential advertisers, therefore if there audience is students, then they are garanteed their target audience will notice their advertisements if they appear within their student magazines. Within the a layout, I included within the Masthead, the college logo and title, with the date and season of the issue, therefore students recognise where the magazine is from, and can keep up to date with the issues, Then as I used 4 images as the main images, I positioned them across the page within the model which simply consisted of the images, therefore it didn't seem too busy, then at the bottom was where the features and content of the magazine is found with a sub title stating the magazine is new and free to the audience. I believe my magazine front cover is striking to the audience as they can relate to the images as the images are of students, interesting features are portrayed on the front cover and the layout is easy to read and clear. I will carry out primary research to the target audience again to gain feedback on how they feel about the outcome of the final products, and ways I could improve.

Double Page spreadsheet

I have now completed my double page spreadsheet, I used the colour scheme for half of it of blue to follow through from the front cover and contents page and the other half of pink to relate to the ballet interview. Half of my double page spreadsheet includes activites throughout which are highlighted ontop of boxes which symbolize important notes and reminders with the symbols of pins, to emphasise this. I added images with the activite to add more interest and intrigue the audience to join in with activites, I presented the images slanted as through research, this was popularly used, and added more interest and creativity. I kept with the colour scheme blue as it flows with the front cover and stands out. Within the other half of the double page spreadsheet I included an interview with a past student which from secondary research into similar existing products, interviews with artists or students were included; which could inspire the audience, also through primary research, I carried out a questionnaire to the target audience, and they stated they'd like to read about interviews and past students achievements, therefore I combined the two which would add more interest to the audience. The audience also stated they'd like to read about sports, therefore I chose dance as it can be both sexes and is inspiring, which as the colour scheme for the interview on the double page spreadsheet is pink this symbolized the topic of ballet, as ballet clothes and shoes are pink.

Contents Page

I have now completed my contents page, where I also used the colour scheme blue with the colour yellow which was also found throughout the front cover, therefore it flowed. Through secondary research into similar/existing products, I found that contents page can use some images of the content of the magazine to intrigue the audience furthermore, as the audience will scan the front cover and the contents page, therefore it is important to make the contents page attractive. Through research, I also found the use of using boxes for the layout for images and content list to overlap them, to seperate the images contents, therefore it is clear to visualize. I used 7 box layouts for the masthead, images and contents list of a darker blue then the background to follow the blue colour scheme. I used interesting images to appeal to the audiene of; a qr code, a smart camera, students having fun and sports, therefore contents of social life and student life are included. Within the contents list I included features within the content of the magazine of; sexual health, ucas information, fashion, interviews, competitions, film reviews etc, to appeal to the audience. In terms of font, I continued to use the font Garamond to make the font clear and flow with the rest of the front cover, I also used Bickham Script Pro for the page numbers and the C for contents, to combine traditional and modern to make it appear more interesting. I am now going to create a questionnaire to gain valuable feedback from the target audience.

Designing the Masthead and Logo for my Magazine

In todays lesson, Simon portrayed the importance of choosing a font and to research into the history of fonts, as they all have meaning and reasons, this made me become aware of the work and effort inputted into creating fonts, and the difference of impact when using different fonts and styles. He also emphasised the ability to design a font in many different ways, he inspired me in demonstrating some masthead designs, in which I responded by designing a number of different mastheads for my title Inspire, which ironically the title is inpirational as they're so creative and experimented. I altered colours throughout the font, for example one letter a blue and the rest of the letters being black which added interest, I also became creative and rotated individual letters, therefore it became more creative and effectively appeared inspiring and to intrigue the audience more. Through creating different styles by changing the colours of some letters and rotating some letters, I also began to further the creativeness by using symbols within the masthead design, such as I used the symbol for information which is an italic i and tried experimenting with this by using this for the i on inspire, I also used a symbol which was a swirl which I rotated to 'appear' as the e for inspire, other symbols I applied to the masthead included using a symbol which consisted of a number of tiny little swirly symbols, which resembled confetti almost, which I used in between the title 'inspir' and the 'e' which had been rotated, I used this as it portrayed the e had been seperated from the rest of the title and the symbol portrayed the little bits of the letter breaking off.

These are my designs for the Masthead and the Logo; I have decided to use the font Garamond as through research it is used for magazines and within trends of magazine fonts and graphic designs, Garamond is within the 7th favoured font, I also feel the font is big and bold, with traditional edges of the letters, which I felt was ideal as it was bold and stylish. I have also used symbols within the masthead designs to add more creativity and as the title is Inspire, it could be ironic the title could be inspiring, also as students are more attracted to fun, creative styles, I felt this fitted with it, I also used effects on some masthead designs such as the Horizontal Mask Type Tool, which made a letters made out of images which added more interest and creative design.  I chose the final masthead which I have pointed out with an arrow, as I felt the use of the symbol ‘I’ for information, emphasised the magazine will contain information, I also added a design of the e flying of the inspire, to add creativity and emphasise the new opportunities and roots from the college.
I also created a number of logo designs to portray the magazine is for Chichester college, I again used symbols, rotated lettering, use different colours for each word of Chichester College, combined traditional and modern font, which I felt they were all creative, however I went with the logo which is pointed out by an arrow, as I felt it portrayed the connectivity and togetherness between students within the college. Using different colours to add more interest and to follow within the college scheme of blue.