Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Update of Editing Both Factual Programme and Social Action and Community Documentary

Throughout this post I will be updating about the editing of both factual programme and social action and community within the software programme Premiere Pro CS3, I have been experimenting with the sound volumns on the factual programme and placing in voice overs. I have also been cutting shots mainly of questions, therefore their is simple answers which is a convention of factual programmes. I have gained many skills throughout editing both programmes and developed on existing knowledge. Editing the social action and community documentary, I have been able to cut shots to show vox pops between students which is a common convention of documentary, to show a variety of different opinions on the cut of EMA from different students. I have also been cutting from a shot of a presenter introducing the questions we asked and then followed with the vox pops of students, then cut back to the presenter introducing the next question. Within editing I have also learnt how to create graphic images to portray the name and occupation on the person appearing on screen, I was able to learn this by creating the graphic in photoshop then saving the file as an mpeg then importing into the Premiere Pro project and placing it aside the timeline therefore there is a graphic visual appearing as well as footage. Throughout the development of editing the factual programme and the social action and community documentary I have now begun the evaluation whereby I will be highlighting the skills and knowledge gained and how I adapted within work ethic, group work and the development of the groups pre production etc.

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