Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Developing my own Idea of a Television Advert

Developing Ideas
Kit Kat Advert


Through research, I found that using a theme throughout advertisement is giving a message or an idea to the audience to make them feel they want the product being shown. Themes such as; Relaxation being shown in an advert, lifestyle appeal etc can be used in adverts to persuade the audience to buy and want the product. The theme for my idea for a 30 second Kit Kat Advertisement is within lifestyle scenarios e.g. the work place, home, town, portraying every day life, then representing a kit kat within each scene emphasising lifestyle appeal and portraying that this product is an every day icon that brings happiness to the characters and showing it could to the audience. Throughout each scene the product Kit Kat is introduced either by a character consuming it or a gift from someone then following with the characters who receive a kit kat showing happiness and relaxation, which portrays to the audience that when consuming a kit kat it ultimately brings happiness and relaxation on some level, whether it’s a relief from a hard day at work or generally being wanted. The theme throughout my Advert emphasises the happiness brought from consuming a kit kat which will persuade the audience to want to the happiness brought by having a kit kat. The audience can also associate stress or a hard day at work to this kit kat advertisement and will then feel convinced then if to purchase a kit kat they will feel better, this is also emphasised by the slogan used by kit kat, ‘have a break, have a kit kat’, therefore whenever the audience are having a break they will think back to the kit kat advert which will persuade them furthermore.

Through research, I found different styles used within Television advertisements to persuade the audience they want and need the product being shown. Styles such as; Fashion, Music, Lifestyle are used to portray the product and create a more effective feeling towards the audience.  The style of my advertisement is lifestyle therefore the audience can relate to the advert and have feelings towards the advert, which can make it more memorable therefore if the audience is ever in a situation shown in the advert such as a scene from my idea such as the man hard labour working of cutting hedges, will make the audience feel they’d a kit kat which the slogan or kit kat contrasts well with this of ‘have a break’, therefore the audience can associate a break with a kit kat, making the chances of the audience buying the product greater. Within my advertisement there are a number of montage clips showing scenes with different styles to make it more realistic and the audience can relate and associate to. The ideas of scenes I have are; Park, Beach, Work place- Garden, Home and Town, which are all common lifestyle aspects which everyone can relate to and perceives the advert more realistic which can enhance that the audience will associate to it and have more of a feeling as it’s something they’re familiar with. The use of different characters in different locations used to also emphasise anyone can have a kit kat on any occasion where ever they’re.
Camera Angle/ Shots

Through research, I found that different camera shots can show different emotions and feelings, for example a close up of someone crying will emphasise the emotion and the audience can have more of a feeling to it, where as a long shot of someone crying isn’t so effective, as the camera isn’t focused on just them and will show other aspects within the shot which will take attention off the character, whether it’s a lamp or book in the film etc, will still draw the audience’s attention to that also. Through research, I found camera shots such as; Long shot, Close up, Med Long are most popular however, there are extreme close up and extreme long shot which can be used to emphasise a feeling or draw the attention to much more. Camera angles such as; high angle and low angle are popular, and can change the perception and the power of the character, for example, high angle can look down on a character which make them appear powerless and inferior therefore portraying their character with less importance. Camera shots I’m going to use to show my characters with firstly as long shots to portray the scenery and then when consuming a kit kat a close up to emphasise their feeling by having a kit kat, which is happiness and relaxation. The only camera angle I’ll be using is Eye level to make the audience feel as if they’re observing the scenes and as if they are there to make it feel more realistic with a neutral feeling to the audience so they feel the same level not inferior or superior.
Location: Throughout research the location of advertisements are vast, whether they’ve used a green screen to show a location that’s not actually there or whether they are actually on location, there are so many choices. As my advert is a montage of clips of different scenes, they will portray in different locations which show different every day life style aspects, to make the advert more realistic. Locations are;
The Beach: I chose a beach as it’ very popular place to go in the summer or just for a walk, the audience can relate to as everyone has been to a beach and everyone can relate to. This will be the first scene of a boy running across the beach to a bad which inside is a kit kat.
Work place (Hedge Cutting): People at work can relate to and those who deal with stress issues within the workplace can relate to, and know the feeling of being relieved by having a relaxing break.
Park: Scene at a park of a group of friends all eating a kit kat, emphasising you can eat a kit kat anywhere.             Teenagers may be interested in this advert by seeing similar age groups on television.
Home: All audiences can relate to being at home however in different scenarios, this one is a happy family in a living room, where one member of the family walks in with a plate of kit kats and the family is portrayed over the moon and happy with this.
Town: A scene in town with elderly people to emphasise people can eat the kit kat whenever and wherever they are, town shows every day people and life, the audience can relate to this also.

Characters in television adverts are so important as they are also representing the product, the audience will associate this character whenever memorising the product, therefore it must be a positive memory. The characters throughout my advert, are every day people, I wanted this as in everyone can relate to. Characters from all ages are also seen in my advert idea, I chose this as I felt everyone can relate to & it represented general life which emphasises the realism of the advert. My characters are; 4 year old boy (my nephew) who is a fun, excited young boy, Middle aged man (my dad) who used to hedge cut and has hedge cutting equipment therefore he can represent the work place which I found many people can relate to. Family members, a Mum, Dad, Daughter & Children (my actual family) to portray a loving family which is realistic and they’re portraying as happy. Lastly, the last characters seen on my advert are 2 elderly people, therefore this age group can relate to this advert also

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