Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Evaluation and Sample Viewing Complete

I have now completed my evaluation in which I stated and described what I've learnt through the development of researching into similar/existing television adverts and planning and creating a television advert of my chosen product kit Kat chocolate bar. I have also created a suitable sample viewing questionnaire to gain feedback from our target audience and how we could improve. In the evaluation, I described what i've learnt through this assignment with ways I could have improve, the strengths and weaknesses throughout the project with skills and knowledge gained overall.

For the Sample Viewing to gain feedback, views and opinions from the target audience, I created a Sample Viewing Questionnaire which I gave to 14 participants which included my target audience of both genders and 16-40 year olds to gain reliable opinions on my Advert. The Sample Viewing Questionnaire I created would gain Qualitative and Quantitative data in which I put into bar charts, I asked qualitative questions such as added why at the end of some questions such as, ‘ do you think it will appeal to the target audience, and why’ therefore I could see there opinions, views and ways to improve in more detail. I also created a rating chart where by the participant could rate technical aspects such as; the camera, lighting, sound etc out of 5 ( 1 being low and 5 being high). From the Sample Viewing, I retrieved results such as 13/14 participants believed our Television Advert would be appealing to the audience. With all the results retrieved I analysed and evaluated them, also putting them into graphs to represent the figures.

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