Friday, 15 October 2010

Final Idea Development

Today's lesson i finalised my final idea's on my DVD Menu, progressing of my presentation of my proposal on Prezi, finished of Contiguency Plan, Printing of finished work:
  • Contiguency Plan: I have completed of my Contiguency plan, which will help me through my project, as if finding any problems, i have a safe solution. Through the plan, it suggests possible problems i could face, but now i have thought ahead of myself, hopefully there will be no problems occuring through creating my DVD Menu
  • Proposal: I am creating my propasal in a presentation called Prezi, i have added some research into my genre, & added all my initial ideas for my DVD Menus, including; font, images, location, textures which i'd like to use in my DVD Menu.
  • Initial Idea's for my DVD Menu: I have completed my final ideas including, the font's i'd like to use, images, location, textures etc. I have also completed the research on my target audience & the legal & ethical issues when producing a DVD Menu. I also researched into prices of DVD Menu's, & completed the budget of my DVD Menu.
  • I also managed to print of my Annotated moonboards, & my deconstructed movie posters on a word document.
I'm happy with the work completed so far & my inital ideas.
Target: I need to finish of my Prezi Presentation.

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